Food Security Programs
We are passionate about food, health, and community and there is no place that all of things come together more than with the work we do with our communities’ food pantries.
Farm to Family Produce Shares
Since 2020 we have collaborated with Cattail Organics and the Marathon County Hunger Coalition bringing CSA style shares to food pantries throughout Marathon County.
In 2025 we plan to serve 4800 families with fresh organic produce over the 22 week program.
Fundraising for this amazing program happens though:
Turkey Trot – United Way
Farm to Feast Dinner – A farm to table dinner run by Red Door and Cattail with the help of the Hunger Coalition. 100% of ticket sales from this dinner go towards bringing our produce to food pantries. The dinner is held August 17th at the Whitewater Music Hall – tickets go on sale in June!
Grants – grants have been written by the farms and by the United Way/Hunger Coalition to fund the program.
Private donors – Thanks to all of our donors who see the value in this program!
Please consider donating through the United Way, Hunger Coalition!
Mobile Pantries
We have worked closely with the Hunger Coalition to bring the food to where the people are!
The mobile pantries bring our fresh organic produce as well as other staples to the neighborhoods that need them most. They set up, farmers market style, at schools, parking lots, wherever there is a need.
The mobile pantries have been so popular that they are doubling in 2025 and we are proud to serve them.
This program is also run through donations, grants, and fundraising events.
Please consider donating through the United Way, Hunger Coalition!
Buy a Bed of Carrots Program
Carrots are one of the things that we grow best on the farm. It is also one of the things that the food pantries ask for the most. In 2022 we started the Buy a Bed of Carrots program, allowing people, businesses, organizations or schools to purchase an entire (or partial) bed of carrots to be donated to the food pantries.
If you buy a bed of carrots you can choose to have us do the work or you can bring a crew of your people to help out. This has been a great team building activity for businesses!
This donation will be run through the Hunger Coalition making it tax deductible for you or your business. Double yay!
Please reach out if you are interested in this program, or donate and specify for the Buy a Bed of Carrots Program!